Friday, November 6, 2009

Fizzled... fireworks at all oddly enough.Ending things here on a positive note at least and leaving the possibility of next summer open at the same time. I intend to return next Summer....just better prepared and EARLIER!!..Like in May or June.I simply got here too late to save up enough to tide me over till Winter got rolling. I have ONE shot left at staying here.That an interview at a boutique near by called Rue 21. Its a 100/1 longshot but if I dont try I'll never know,right?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Throwing in the Towel

Yep..I QUIT!!!....thats IT!!!...CAPUT!!!...I'm OUTTA here on the next bus I can afford... LAST shot has fallen through as well....No loan from the bank to pay the NOTHING!!!...I AM SICK of UTAH(Park Shitty inparticular due to outrageous rents,CRAPPY pay and hours...and Landlords who think they can just push a person around)All I have left is an interview tomarrow...a pissed landlord.....and an eviction notice.And here in about 2 hours the Landlord thinks she will come in here and toss me out on my keister??...I DONT THINK SO...said the pissed off Kodiak Bear(nod at AK there).Anywho..will post again after the fireworks....STAY in the Bunkers...dont want ya gettin shot at by mistake.