Saturday, August 29, 2009

A "soft" moment

On a lighter note....I used "Gizzy" today.Without realizing it either until after I said it.Used in reference to a button used to control the winch to raise and lower those jumping on the Bungy Trampoline.It came unscrewed and popped out.

I promise to work on getting a pic up sooner or later.Nothing to see but a big teddy bear looking guy.But I said I would and I cant keep my only fan waiting....(wink)

Friday, August 28, 2009


Meh....PCMR getting on my nerves now. I suppose as one of the last few new guys...that havent quit yet,I should not be suprised that I'm the first one to feel the "pinch" of fall cutbacks. I only lost Monday,about 9 or so hours so its not all that bad I guess.I'll just redouble my efforts on finding a 2nd job. 3 days off is too much.Makes me lazy. Love the tune in this short.Can just sit back and jam all day to it if I'm running a Lift.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Just Because

This stuff is so far off the wall....its actually pretty damn funny.Charlie can be my alter ego. No.1 No.2 No.3

And one about fatalistic determination poor thing...just wanted to fly!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Schools almost HERE!!

YES...almost time for them to go back to school!(them being kids,of course...and the occasional U brat) But that also puts me at odds with my job.I'm happy to see them go....but it also means less work for me in the long run. At least till Winter hits in earnest!!
AHHH,Winter!!! Yes.....Winter!I swear I never knew HOW on earth I lived in Houston and Miami,what with the H-E-A-T and all.I like it cold personally.I became addicted to Utah powder 2 years ago.Last winter I tried a ski resort in just wasent the same.
Todays random link is:
I can't help but reminisce of learning to ski at Snowbird, Winter '07-'08. I am trying to get my Liftie job back there this Winter....but PCMR will be just fine if I dont. Plus..I'm already working at PCMR.Bird in the hand is worth two ....yadda yadda.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

HONEY!!! I'm H-O-M-E!!!!!

POOF!!!! I have returned!! Did you at least feed my Fish?
So...JUST got my PC set up my stoopid wireless card installed and set up.................y-a-w-n. Played a little WoW to soothe the savage nerves and found no one missing me at all( as expected ),and to test my connection here.I am happy to be back online again,tho not for the WoW reason. Just been feeling "out of touch" recently.

My Sister and Mom decided a week before I was to leave that they would drive me down themselves. "Good excuse for a road trip!", I said. Mary did 90% of the driving.From Centralia,WA al the way to Twin Falls,Idaho. 12 hours straight!!...Crashed out in a Motel 6 for 5 hours then back on the road. I drove from the Id. border all the way into Park City since I knew where I was going from living in Utah before. One look at the Alpine Slide snaking its way down the mountain and Mary was ready to leave.Got moved in and unpacked,showered and C-R-A-S-H-E-D!!!..I hate moving....

So the Familial units left the same day.....over nighted in Twin Falls again..and made it a 4 day round trip total.2 out...2 back. Not to shabby at all.And I arrived a full day ahead of schedule to boot!!

Went in to PCMR and filled out all my my Uniform...broke their camera(ID pic)and went on a few rides to pass the time. Fun is healthy...specially when its FREE!!!
And YES....going from a couple hundred feet above sea level to 7000 feet in 2 days really kicked my butt!!Minor case of altitude sick and all. I'm ok now 2 weeks later,about 10 pounds lighter and losing weight fast( thank you GOD!!)

Started "work" 2 days later and learned just how out of shape I really was!!Not to mention getting crisped by the high altitude sun.I'm quite bronze now(farmers tan lines,blech).Found the weight room and pool that belong to the Condos I'm living in. Not to mention the Tanger Outlet Mall not a stones throw from my 3rd floor deck!! At least the buses are F-R-E-E here. Got the rest of Aug. and Sept. to go...then we start gearing up for Winter(I think,not sure about anything past next week IMO).I already have a line on a Liftie position at PCMR,just need to do an interview or two. Also working on getting a second job here for between seasons,and a car.PO'd that the nearest DL place in in Heber...12 miles away!!....or in the Valley!..What gives people??

Meh...I've rambled enough for tonight. I promise to keep a better schedule of posting.

Sunday, August 2, 2009 goes nothing!! usual I suffer from a lack of true subject and I am also prone to rambling.
Anywho..going to be moving to Park City in less than 48 hours. Really excited to get back to work!! Even more so because its at a Utah Ski Resort that has a TON of Summer stuff to do as well.Check it out here . So YES!!!...I am in fact VERY excited.It has been far too long.It might be sometime till my next see you then